Monday, 24 October 2016


Some one told me that it's a waste of time praying for revival to come...
Because we are already in the midst of a revival...

I asked him, when was the last time he told someone about Jesus...
He said it was over 2 years ago...
I asked him when was the last time he laid hands on the sick, whether they were healed or not ...
He said he has never done that...
I asked him how many gospel channels in T. V will he tune in now and hear the preachers preaching about hell fire or about the second coming of the Lord Jesus...
He said that he cannot remember any...
What most of them are doing on air is to be advertising deliverance and prophetic services...
Without any emphasis on the Cross of Calvary...
I asked him, how many in the choir where he sings in church goes for evangelism in a week...
He said, he is very sure that none of them....
By the time we were through, it was clear to him that this is fraudulent revival...
It is a revival that is benefitting the pulpits... And emasculating the pews...
A revival that is making us gods that must be worshipped by our members...
A revival that is adding more cars to our compound even when none of our members are riding bicycles...
Such a fraudulent revival must not flourish further in a time when men like you and I are here...
Revival is not when people gather around you every Sunday to be shouting AMEN to your 'feel good' messages...
It is revival when you see your members starts going for evangelism ...
Brazenly preaching in public places...
If you have to host a big man of God to have a full house in your church, your church has not seen a revival yet...
If they only troop out when they see a caption like: "ANOINTING FOR PROSPERITY" or "OBITUARY NIGHT", then, your church needs a genuine revival...
Thank God for publicity...
But, if it's revival, you don't need to depend on poster and handbill before your own members will throng into your church...
You don't need to invite a prophet that call names and phone numbers before they will sell their lands and bring their salaries ...
When the revival Fire comes, it keeps people's love for God permanently aflame...
And like David, they will always be glad when they say let us go to the house of the Lord...
And you will not need a native doctor who says he is a prophet to use charms and hypnotize them before they know that they will not have to give to the Lord what costs them nothing...
How many handbills and posters would have been enough to go round the whole world, when revival broke out in Azusa Street in America? ...
How many people's colour of underwears were mentioned...
How many people's enemies did Steve Hills mentioned on that Father's day in America when that great awakening broke out? ...
But people were coming from the whole world to catch the Fire...
John Kilpatrick was not rich enough to be making handbill and billboards in all the nation's of the world that trooped to Pensacola, Florida, to drink from the Brownsville Revival...
But when the revival broke out there, people were travelling from all over the world to catch the Fire there...
Churches contributed money and sent their youths to Brownsville, to go and catch the Fire and come back to spread others ...
Companies and multi national organizations were sending their staff from many places, in chartered planes, to go and have encounter with God in the revival that was going on in Pensacola...
And the Fire was burning, day and night... And it continued for many years...
Lord, please, do it again in our days...
Please, we want to see this again in our own time...
We are tired of this revival of human deceptions...
We long for the real Fire Lord! ...
Sir, WHY do you call it revival when all your members hide their Bibles when they are coming to church...
And because they are regular and punctual in church, you say your church is seeing an outpouring ...
What a blasphemy!
Let's stop deceiving ourselves...
What we are seeing is not revival yet...
Don't host prophets in your church for 5 months and let's see how many members you will still have left...
Don't prophesy for 1month...
Do only teaching and let's know if it's revival or not...
At Brownsville Revival, it was not about gifts....
People were not gathering to hear their names mentioned from pulpits...
They were not coming from all over the world to receive miracles...
Or to hear the names of their enemies...
They were coming because they wanted to grow In Christ...
They wanted to go back home to start spreading the Fire of God...
They were tired of doing church...
Singing in choir every Sunday but sinking in iniquity ...
Tired of falling and rising...
They needed to start seeing the flow of the supernatural in their lives...
They had need of money... But it was not all about money ...
They needed what money cannot buy...
And when they got it and went back to their countries and churches, the revival started from those places too...
During Brownsville revival, a young man who travelled from another continent came and on that ground, the spirit of masturbation that has bedeviled him for 30 years was destroyed...
Another woman who was a chronic fornicator was set free...
Another man who was a habitual smoker received deliverance...
They all went back and the whole communities knew that they had encountered the Fire of God...
Some of them began to heal the sick... All manner of diseases began to bow to them...
Compare it with some of all the church gatherings we are having today...
Where people gather, only because they want miracle marriages and miracle jobs...
And when they get back home, they will throw away their bibles and remain the same... No Fire... No glory... No hunger and no trace of the supernatural...
Friends, this is not revival yet...
If the church in our time have seen a genuine revival, pastors in our cities will not be afraid to preach about hell fire from their pulpits, all because they don't want to lose members...
If it's revival, the emphasis will change from demons, from money, from miracle jobs, from Visa...
The emphasis will be on the Cross...
A revival that is not centered on the Cross will crush...
When America removed the Cross from their messages was when they lost the Fire...
When they began to care how members will feel while preparing their messages was when they handed over their nation to demons...
It was the church in America that sold that nation to Lucifer...
Today, in my continent Africa, we have started the way America went that cost them the Fire of God ...
We have started going to television to beg sinners to give us money...
And because of that, we don't preach messages that might offend them...
We only tell them it's going to be well tomorrow, even when they are heading to hell...
So that they will use the account details on the television screen...
And someone somewhere is saying that we are in the midst of a revival in Africa ...
Please, ma, I beg your pardon...
This revival is a hoax...
Yes! This is the greatest revival scam we have seen in church history...
Some of the people watching your T. V program, from all over the world will not wake up the next morning... They will die and face judgment... 
WHY not use every opportunity to reconcile men to God...
So that even if they have to die, let them not still go to hell after listening to you on air ...
Something is missing in our time...
And It's not money...
It's not glamour...
It's not Christian literatures...
The sense of urgency is missing in the church in our time.. .
Where is that urgency I used to feel in the voice of preachers in the days of my fathers?
What has happened to those days when preachers used to shed tears, begging people to reconcile to Jesus, as if that's going to be there last days on earth?
Some of the corpses that were deposited into the mortuary this morning shouted AMEN in their churches last week Sunday...
They did not know they were going to be dead by now...
It's not bad if they died in the Lord...
But if all the messages they heard from their pastor were 'feel good' messages, and they shouted AMEN, without turning from their wicked ways and making peace with God, it means they are going straight to hell...
I believe that preachers are watchmen, to warn their generation of the judgment that is coming...
Preachers are like Siren, blowing 'wow... Wow... Wow... Wow' in their generation, so as not to entertain themselves to hell...
We cannot be mounting the podium, making this generation to feel that their is no adversary who is fighting day and night to make sure mankind meets him in hell fire ...
Natural disasters are happening here and there...
Wars and crises are taking the lives of people...
Terrorist attacks are claiming the lives of many....
It can happen anywhere and anytime...
And yet, we are not preparing our members to getting ready...
Anybody we hear preaching about the second coming of the Lord Jesus, we say he is a controversial preacher...
We think the war will remain only in the middle east...
We think it will end in Syria...
We better tell this generation the truth, that their is coming a deluge of wars to our doorsteps,...
According to the scriptures, we are about to see the greatest time of conflicts since the World began...
More nations are going to be rising against nations...
More brothers are going to start killing brothers...
We better get our folks ready.... Incase, the scriptures decides to be fulfilled in our neighborhoods this week ...
How can a Muslim get born and join your church, and for the past 2years he joined your church, he still does not know if there is anything like rapture... Hell fire or heaven...
Yet he is in church 3 times every week... Paying tithes and sowing seeds...
The only notes he copies in church and only verses for the scriptures he writes down are places of prosperity and 'suffer not a witch to live'...
How can such fellow grow and be balanced in this Kingdom race when the only thing he sees when he comes to church is how demons are being given microphones to start mentioning the names of other churches where she has gone and they could not drive her out?
How can such a man grow to become a kingdom superstar?
Lord, is there nothing You will do in our time for the sake of many men and women who are genuinely submitting their eternal destinies under these agents of fraudulent revival?

They really want to serve You in Spirit and in Truth, but the men they are listening to every day have no single passion for their spiritual growth...
Lord, is there not something You will do to save them from such environments where their tithes are valued more than their souls?
Sister, we are not saying that we are going to die today or tomorrow...
But we must be getting ready as if we will not see the next hour...
Forget all these dreams and projects and money we are chasing here and there... The truth is that nobody knows when the trumpet of God will sound....
Those that died through accidents this morning did not know they were going to die... It was not their sins that killed them... Some of them were holier than the people who deposited their corpses to the mortuary ...
It was not their prayerlessness that killed them... Some of them prays more than the people that will bury them...
If they miss heaven they certainly will not miss hell...
If there is anywhere we must not miss, friends, we should not miss heaven...
Because the other option is 500 billion years in a lake of Fire...
And yet will still be the beginning ...
If you have not heard any message like this in your church for the past 1 year, please, be careful...
Your pastor might be one of the agents of this fraudulent revival that is breaking out in our time...
May God give you understanding!
I love you from my heart!

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